About Me

I would use two words to describe myself: ambitious bookworm. I'm a writer who has a day job that I happen to love. I have a beautiful daughter, Josie, who is the greatest thing in my life. None of my best friends live in the same state as I do which sucks....it's the reason I started a blog. I love comments so please let me know what you think!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Poems Inspired by 182 & Perce

Shadow Dweller*
Take me home tonight
That home only a stranger knows
Let the curves of my body fall into yours
I don't need love tonight, just a caress from someone who doesn't see the darkness
Keep just a piece of me and be content with that
Don't ask for more because I cannot give it
What's left of me is lodged into another's heart
And should he ever rescue me from the shadows I won't remember your name
Be my brief shining savior and nothing more
Be nothing to me!

Melodious Whispers*
This love of your hands disturbs me as much as your cavity of solitude. You're pushing me away to keep me close and I don't understand how your touch engulfs me. I'm fascinated by your mouth and I cannot remember where we happened or why. You pierce every dark corner that I'd prefer to keep hidden but I won't mind this fragile state of myself if you hold me tight. Two cannot become one in a case such as ours. Don't speak to the masses but shout it to the world and extend the light to those who aren't loved. I cannot shake this aura of doom. It excites my senses but leaves me numb at heart. The melodious whispers frighten me more than I dare say but I'm hooked and there's no separating now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pioneer Post

So this is my first post (obviously). I've never maintained a regular blog before so this may be pretty boring. If you're bored there is this awesome 'x' in the top right corner of your window. Click on that and see what happens. Also, ALT+F4 is pretty sweet.

Anyway, I'm starting a blog because some of my friends who don't live in Nebraska want to be kept in the loop with what's going on in my life. Since the majority of my friends live out of state I thought I should oblige. This should also help me with my writer's block when I can no longer process thoughts on my Slacker Heroes.

Slacker Heroes is the title of the novel I'm working on. It's a YA Sci-Fi story that I'm hoping to have completed by the end of this year. Right now I'm only three chapters in and I'm not at all satisfied by chapter one but we'll see what happens. I'm super excited by the story as a whole and the characters I've developed. My goal is to get kids excited about reading and to change a child's life through books. My childhood was very much defined by the books I read and I believe that reading enriches everyone's life. With the explosion of the Harry Potter series, reading seems more popular and I hope that someone is one day awed by my stories the way I am by the Wizarding world created by J.K. Rowling. It also wouldn't hurt to have her kind of paychecks. :)

My love of reading seems to have passed to Josie and I hope that continues when she gets to the age where she can read for herself. My daughter is the best part of my life and the reason I'm in Omaha. I can't believe she'll be 3 in May. I don't know what happened to those years; it makes me a little sad that she is already so old. I miss out on so much with her being at Tim's the majority of the time but I truly appreciate that he is a great father. It's my silver lining in our custody arrangement. I'm over the fact that he was a terrible husband because I think it was just me. Generally, he is a decent guy. He does pull some jerk moves but so do I.

Time for a mood upper: I have a really funny story about Josie. Last Friday we were hanging out at my place and she was in question mode so she kept firing them off. One of her questions was about what was on her shirt. "What's that?" she asked and I told her it was a seahorse. She didn't respond and didn't ask anything else about it, she just kept asking questions. Finally, I was about to go insane from her string of random questioning so I started making dinner. Josie was being very impatient, as 2 year olds are, and she kept asking for yogurt over and over. I finally said, "Hold your horses" and she grabbed the front of her shirt and just looked at me. I didn't understand the weird look on her face until I realized that she was in fact holding on to her horses! I haven't laughed that hard in a while! Poor Jo was probably wondering why mommy wanted her to grab the front of her shirt like that. It still makes me smile - kids are so literal.

I'll probably post something else later tonight. I've had a request to introduce my team. Don't judge me. :)
